I'd normally just text for a little bit when a guy starts talking to me, wanting to be nothing more than friends. And when this boy started texting me, I told myself to just take everything he says with a pinch of salt. Don't want to expect.
But I didn't know that I'd grow to like him so much. Truthfully, I'm a little scared. I don't know what the future holds. All I can say is that he's the perfect combination of everything. He makes me really happy. Understands me, talks to me like a bestfriend. Kisses me like a lover, protects me like a sibling. I can tell him my fears and he always tries his best to put me at ease. He made me feel like I can really trust him.
God was good to me, to let us cross paths. I hope I can be good enough for him.
ACWS I'll love you to the heavens and back. ❤