th first snowflake fell , th snowball starts spinning . && control isnt in th picture .
everytime he flirts w a million girls , i die a little inside .
everytime he leads me on , i felt lyk i was chasing after an imaginary twig .
he would talk about th future , makes plans for our non existent r/s but he nvr did commit at tht moment . part of me want to nvr tok to him again , yet part of me would still trusts tht one day he'd change .
a person can make th same realization a thousand times in their lives but still , th knowledge doesnt sink in . i noe he's an asshole , he's proven himself many time over to be an asshole but i still cant let go of tht asshole .
insanity : repeating th action over && over , yet expecting a different result
wait for prince charming to save me ? pui . im gonna be my own hero && break out of tht asshole's bullshyt .
tumbles ish sho adorable *-*
th onli guy i nid in my life - tumbles :3