we know each other for so many years but we finally met on th 12th of feb 2012 . i wasnt expecting anything . ive nvr felt anything strong towards you , you were always just my twinneh . how was i to know , tht upon meeting you i'll feel such strong love towards you ?
first day we met , you came down hougang look for me ate ur favourite ba cho mee
thn we went town look for samuel , spent th whole day tgt thn we looked for my bestie tgt after tht you insisted on sending me home even when you might miss ur last bus . in th end i didnt wanted you to leave so you stayed over at my place , talking , playing audi , playing w tumbles . tht was th first time i watch you slp , you wudnt close ur eyes all th way making me think tht ur awake . i'd wave my hands infront of ur face hoping tht ur awake so tht i can hug u ever so tightly . but you were such a pig kept on slping in th end i went to clean tumble's potty && bathed . still rmb , i was otp in th kitchen cause i didnt wanted to wake up by toking in th living room even tho i wanted to watch you slp . u came looking for me thn u fell aslp while leaning against my kitchen entrance . so cute . i still rmb in th morning after we ate , i was washing th dishes you came over && hugged me from behind . i nvr felt so loved in a long long time . thn my grandpa came in suddenly && u put ur hand at my waist thr which looked damn wrong . when i ask u why u nvr just move away u said you were pretending to poke me . after i heard tht i cudnt help but kept laughing . so silly . thn we went to my room && slpt tgt until afternoon . you placed ur hand on my shoulder while you slpt , i didnt have th heart to remove ur hand even tho it was pressing down on me . i wanted to feel you close .
13feb . after we woke up you left for home while i went for my dinner . after dinner i didnt noe if my dad allowed me ton but i didnt wanted to ask him so i waited till he slpt thn i sneaked out , bus to amk , no more train service so i cab down to gombak whr u were drinking w ur fwens . i didnt noe whr you were so you tok to th cabby otp until you were sure th uncle knew whr to bring me thn you pei me otp summore . inbetween th ride you still called to tell th uncle th exact location . i still rmb thinking you so kiasu but it was such a sweet feeling , having someone you love caring for you . when reaching tht time you called (again !) and say you were wearing red , your fwen wearing green ask uncle stop at busstop cause u waiting thr . even tho i just saw you less thn 12hrs ago i was so happy to see you again i felt lyk i missed you so much . by th time we went back whr ur fwens were they alr finished all th drinks , thn you spent ur last ten dollars to cab us back to ur hse cause you didnt want me to have to walk . i wudnt have minded walking cause it was w you . spent th night in your room , found out so much about you . best night of my life . rmb tht bandage ? i still do . nowadays i cannot look at bandages without being reminded of you . but in th morning your dad chase me out but you said its okayy so we stayed until evening before we left . th day i spent th night && day w you was 14feb . valentine's day . my first vday w someone . 16years of my life single on vday my 17th year was w you . th one person i loved whole-heartedly . i cudnt believe my luck , hu knew it was all about to end soon ? we spent th whole vday tgt thn during night you came to my place again , we were practically inseparable . hu knew tht night my grandpa kpkb thn you had to wait for me downstairs . i felt so bad . i was waiting in my room thinking of you every single moment . scared tht you'll be cold , hungry , lonely . all these . but i kena padlock so i cudnt go down . in th end morning when my dad leaving for work i went over my bestie's place for a few days . thn we met thr in th morning . sitting at th staircase outside her hse , having nth much but yet so happy tgt . i rmb letting you slp on my lap while i watched you slp , so afraid to move even an inch so as not to wake u up . ended up w my legs numb . it was worth you resting tho . tht was 15feb alr . we spent th whole day tgt again but at night you wanted to wait for me at th staircase i didnt let you , i asked you to go look for your fwens , not because i was chasing you away it was because my bestie's parents didnt liked th idea of you slping at th staircase && i very hard to zuo ren .
16feb , i went down fajar look for you . you cudnt come out of ur hse so we stayed at staircase again . we spent very little time tgt but it was enough just to be w you . i rmb meeting your mum && sis . we were happy all th way until tht night i went back you fell aslp , woke up but nvr text me thn you met them . things started to happen thn. we had one whole perfect week tgt . how was i to know tht my luck was running out soon . fate is so mean , gave me one perfect guy whom i love && who love me back but onli to take everything away a week ltr . if i wasnt meant to keep it whyye give it to me in th first place ?
18feb , we got tgt . we were happy until march , tht was when we started being unhappy. i missed th times we had tgt . i miss your smile . i miss your laughter . i miss your hugs . i miss your kisses . i just miss you . idk why it hurts so much . idw to get over you , i still love you even more thn when we first met .

because i didnt have a reason for loving you , i don't have a reason to stop .